
The content of this blog reflects my personal experiences and opinions during my veterinary school education. It does not reflect the experiences or opinions of my classmates, colleagues, or the UC Davis School of Veterinary medicine. If you wish to contact me via email: hamaleo11@gmail.com

Friday, February 25, 2011

Food Animal Nursing and New Life

I had my food animal nursing class and wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary introduction to "C" barn (the food animal medical barn). 

Most of my classmates told me that food animal nursing would be quick and easy, I'd be done with the shift in about an hour. Again, like when I had my E-team shadowing shift, they were wrong! I was lucky enough to see several patients in C-barn and assist with PM treatments while we were waiting for the surgery technician to show up. There were several goats in the barn, mostly with post-kidding complications (kidding=giving birth in goat terms) and one older pygmy goat that had recently stopped eating. There was a ewe (female sheep) and her lamb, in addition to a Pot Belly pig.

Two gorgeous baby Boer goats were born via C-section. They were both girls. I got to watch and help with the surgery. It was very exciting, I remember the anticipation like it was my sister having a baby or something. I was so stoked!  

1 comment:

Valerie Carlin said...

Stoked face = classic :)